Eye On America Roadshow

Road Rage Radio

USA's secret spy operations in Sweden and Norway

These stories remind me of what the USSR was accused of for years during the cold war. Is that what we are becoming? Well I guess they just aren’t satisfied with their total surveillance grid they have here in the USA, so they have to take their toys overseas. And we wonder why the world seems to hate us. Maybe we wouldn’t feel compelled to spy on them if we were more liked and respected huh.

US embassy accused of spying in Norway, Oslo demands answers
OSLO — Norway has demanded an explanation from the United States after a television documentary said its embassy had conducted illegal surveillance of hundreds of Norwegian residents over the past decade.

According to the TV2 News channel, the US embassy in Oslo employed between 15 and 20 people, including former high-ranking police officers, to monitor local residents in a bid to ward off attacks on US interests in the country.

The surveillance had been going on since 2000, said the report…

Now Sweden accuses US of spying
Sweden joins Norway in alleging US embassies spied on citizens

People linked with the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm have performed surveillance activities in Sweden without the knowledge of the host nation’s authorities, a government officials said Saturday.

The surveillance has been going on since 2000, but Swedish authorities are still not aware of how widespread the practice was, said Justice Minister Beatrice Ask. “It seems as though we haven’t been fully informed and that’s not good,” Ask said…

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